Module:Différences de traduction

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Ce module permet de récupérer les données de Module:Différences de traduction/traductions pour les modèles {{Traduction}} et {{TableauTraduction}}.

Voir les modèles respectifs pour plus d'information sur l'utilisation.

[lire] [modifier] [historique] [purger]La documentation ci-dessus est tirée de Module:Différences de traduction/doc.
local p = {}

local translations = require('Module:Différences de traduction/traductions')

function p.generateDiffTable(frame)
    local tableMarkup = '{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible sortable mw-collapsed"\n|-\n'
    tableMarkup = tableMarkup .. '! style="width: 200px;" | Java 🇫🇷\n'
							  .. '! style="width: 200px;" | Bedrock 🇫🇷\n'
							  .. '! style="width: 200px;" | Java 🇨🇦\n'
							  .. '! style="width: 200px;" | Bedrock 🇨🇦\n'
							  .. '|-\n'
	local keys = {}
    for key in pairs(translations) do
        table.insert(keys, key)
	for _, java_fr in ipairs(keys) do
		local t = translations[java_fr]
		local opened_brackets = (frame.args[4] == "" or (frame.args[1] == "instrument" or frame.args[1] == "banner")) and "" or "[["
		local closed_brackets = (frame.args[4] == "" or (frame.args[1] == "instrument" or frame.args[1] == "banner")) and "" or "]]"
		if frame.args[4] ~= "" or t.bedrock_fr or t.java_ca or t.bedrock_ca then
			if t.type == frame.args[1] or t.type == frame.args[2] or t.type == frame.args[3] then
				local fr_match = not t.bedrock_fr and 'tc-yes' or 'tc-no'
				local ca_match = t.java_ca == t.bedrock_ca and 'tc-yes' or 'tc-no'
				tableMarkup = tableMarkup .. '| class="' .. fr_match .. '"|' .. opened_brackets .. (java_fr) .. closed_brackets .. '\n'
										  .. '| class="' .. fr_match .. '"|' .. opened_brackets .. (t.exclusive ~= "java" and (t.bedrock_fr or java_fr) or "-") .. closed_brackets .. '\n'
										  .. '| class="' .. ca_match .. '"|' .. opened_brackets .. (t.java_ca or java_fr) .. closed_brackets .. '\n'
										  .. '| class="' .. ca_match .. '"|' .. opened_brackets .. (t.exclusive ~= "java" and (t.bedrock_ca or java_fr) or "-") .. closed_brackets .. '\n'
										  .. '|-\n'

    tableMarkup = tableMarkup .. '|}'

    return tableMarkup

function p.getTranslation(frame)
    local java_fr, translation = frame.args[1], frame.args[2]
    return translations[java_fr] and translations[java_fr][translation] or java_fr

function p.getTranslations(java_fr)
    local key = java_fr.args[1]
    local data = translations[key] or {}
    local result = {}
    for _, lang in ipairs({ "java_ca", "bedrock_fr", "bedrock_ca" }) do
        table.insert(result, data[lang] ~= key and data[lang] or "")
    return table.concat(result, "§")

return p